Tunisia opposition calls for rally to mark MP’s murder

TUNIS (AFP) – The People’s Movement of slain Tunisian MP Mohamed Brahmi on Monday called for a weekend rally to mark 40 days since the opposition leader’s murder plunged the country into crisis.

Modern Ghana http://www.modernghana.com/news/340623/1/tunisia-opposition-calls-for-rally-to-mark-mps-mur.html

solidaire du peuple

1150844_427490440704258_508971425_nL’UGTA solidaire du peuple Tunisien et de l’UGTT

L’agence de presse officielle algérienne (APS) rapporte que dans un communiqué rendu public le 11 juillet 2013, l’Union générale des travailleurs algériens (UGTA) a exprimé sa solidarité et son soutien d’une part, aux travailleurs et au peuple tunisien face à « la situation critique » que vit leur pays, et d’autre part à l’Union générale des travailleurs tunisiens (UGTT), dans ses actions pour « la défense et la sauvegarde des valeurs démocratiques et républicaines de la Tunisie ».

Dans ce communiqué, l’UGTA a vigoureusement condamné l’assassinat de Mohamed Brahmi ainsi que les attentats terroristes commis contre l’armée tunisienne au mont Châambi.

L’UGTA a, en outre, qualifié les événements qui marquent la scène politique en Tunisie comme étant «de plus en plus préoccupants ».

(Màj) Arrestation Abbes Hannachi: l’UGTT évoque un malentendu


Dans un message sur sa page Facebook, l’UGTT-Nabeul informe l’arrestation de son secrétaire général régional, Abbes Hannachi, à Grombalia, et demande à tous les syndicalistes de se diriger vers Grombalia. Les raisons de cette arrestation demeurent pour l’instant inconnues.

(Mise à jour @21h00): L’UGTT rapporte dans un communiqué que l’arrestation de Abbes Hannachi est du à un malentendu avec les forces de l’ordre. Abbes Hannachi a été relâché peu de temps après.


Iran calls for unity in Tunisia

On Line: 27 July 2013 15:06
In Print: Sunday 28 July 2013

An estimated 5,000 persons attended the funeral of assassinated Tunisian politician Mohamed Brahmi July 27, 2013

An estimated 5,000 persons attended the funeral of assassinated Tunisian politician Mohamed Brahmi July 27, 2013

TEHRAN – Iran has called on the Tunisian people to maintain unity after a prominent opposition leader was assassinated on Thursday.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Araqchi on Saturday condemned the killing of Mohammed Brahmi, leader of the Popular Current party, saying that such desperate attempts are meant to lead the revolution in the country to a deadlock.
The only way out of the current situation is maintaining national cohesion and unity and making efforts to root out terrorism in the country, Araqchi said.
He also expressed sympathy with the Tunisian people and government over the incident, calling on them to exercise vigilance when dealing with such actions.
According to BBC, a state funeral was held for the Tunisian opposition leader who was killed by gunmen in the capital, Tunis.
His death has sparked widespread unrest.
The interior minister said Mr. Brahmi, 58, was killed with the same gun as a fellow left-wing politician, Chokri Belaid, who was shot dead in February.
Thousands of protesters gathered in Tunis on Friday after the biggest trade union, UGTT, called a general strike to denounce general “terrorism, violence, and murders.”
Tehran Times

Still a Long Way to Go for Tunisian Democracy

Notes internacionals CIDOB, núm. 73

Tunisia remains very dependent on international good will: despite receiving aid and loans worth $1.5bn last year, the growing current account deficit has reduced hard currency reserves to the equivalent of three and a half months cover of imports.
